Gültekin Çınar has over 35 years of experience in the development of energy projects in public and private sectors in Turkey and abroad. His experience spans a wide spectrum roles & responsibilities ranging from field engineer to establishing and nurturing ideas into industry leading businesses.
Having started his professional career in 1983 as a field engineer, he worked in various roles over his 15 year career in Turkish State owned TPAO (Turkish Petroleum Corp.), and successfully led the first offshore natural gas production project in the Sea of Marmara, Turkey. Subsequently, Mr. Çınar joined Caspian Energy International to manage the development of Company's oil & gas fields in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. His career continued as a senior advisor in Mc Dermott & Partners, OPET and TUSIAD, until he established Energaz A.S. in 2003 with the backing of STFA. Transforming his initial idea to Turkey's biggest private natural gas distribution & trading company employing more than 1,000 people and serving 11 cities with a total population of 9 million people, Mr. Çınar served as CEO and vice Chairman of Energaz from 2003 to 2011. In addition to his role as Senior Advisor in Polar Finance, Mr. Çınar, currently serves as the CEO of Delta Uluslararasi Petrol A.S. where he leads the development of various conventional and unconventional oil and gas exploration projects throughout Turkey including CBM (Coal Bed Methane Gas) and shale gas projects
Mr. Çınar holds a BS degree in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering from Middle East Technical University (ODTU), and a M.Sc. in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering from Istanbul Technical University (ITU), where he is teaching "Natural Gas Production Technologies" as adjunct professor since 2002. He has numerous articles published in technical magazines.